Inspire children to learn about God’s love, to grow in faith and to walk in God’s light.

– Family Ministry’s Mission


Visit the Youth and Families Event Calendar page for details on upcoming events and discipleship opportunities →


Our Children will learn that…


God and Jesus love them and everyone.

God is good and is everywhere.

Jesus is always with them and wants to be their friend.

They can serve Jesus by offering their gifts.

They can talk to God through prayer.

God gave us a special book called the Bible to help us make wise choices.

What we do



Christian Education

We focus on creating an atmosphere where children can learn about God’s love in a fun, loving, exciting, and accepting environment.

When is Sunday School? We invite families to begin worship together in the sanctuary during the first part of the service with their parents to include them as part of our worshiping family. Children and the youth stay with their parents for the beginning of the service to make them a part of our worshiping family. Following the Children’s message given by the pastor, kids of any age join us for Sunday School classes during the remaining part of worship.

Nursery for the littlest members is available for early drop-off at 9:45 where the children are nurtured by professional certified staff with assistance from parent-volunteers. 


Building hearts that serve

Once a month the children gather for a mission awareness project where they either participate in a church wide mission or work on their own mission projects for our community and around the world. Family mission outings are planned in the community once each quarter to put our lessons into action. 


The Vine Family Ministry

We seek to keep all of our families growing in Christ and to each other by staying connected to our church family. Learn More.


Fun and Fellowship Events

Throughout the year and on each holiday, our children’s committee hosts events, celebrations, and activities for all our kids to enjoy and for families to continue to grow together!

Opportunities to Serve


Sunday School Teacher

A paid position that requires one hour of preparation and one hour of teaching every other week. All curriculum and training is provided.

Sunday School Aide

A volunteer position that requires assisting a teacher in a designated Sunday school class at least once per month.

Nursery Aide

A volunteer position assisting the Nursery Director with babies and toddlers during the Sunday service

Event Coordinator

A volunteer position leading a specific Children’s Ministry event such as the Easter egg hunt, Valentine’s Day party, Halloween party, children’s mission project, etc.

Event Volunteer

Assists the coordinator with specific Children’s Ministry events


If you’re interested in volunteering please fill out and submit the form.


Confirmation Class


Confirmation provides the opportunity for young people in eighth grade and above to establish adult membership in the congregation. It is a one year program in which the youth receive instruction in the history, beliefs, and practices of the Church. The class is led by Pastor Chris Reny and traditionally meets meets on Sunday afternoons in February and March.