Excerpt with the message from Pastor Chris:
Dear Friends,
Each day I have the pleasure of witnessing how God is growing us closer to Him and to each other. A loving church and a grace-filled congregation that seeks to serve is a church that God honors and blesses.
I am excited as I look forward to the Fall and the new school year. I am excited because the kids are back in school. Amen? Our halls during the week here are full again with the sound of joyful kids and loving teachers! I am grateful for our incredible preschool family! I am also excited because of all the Fall activities and ministries. We had an amazing Anchor’s Aweigh where many of you signed up to help serve or to get more involved. We have many areas to serve and grow as well as areas where help is needed.
This year we are working to open new opportunities for everyone to get connected, dig in deeper in their faith, and faithfully serve in our community:
We are working on launching a young adults ministry and hope that you will reach out if you are interested in helping with this.
We are also working to communicate what our various bible study groups are focusing on so that you can join us when a there is a topic that
interests you. Each week, our bible study topics will be displayed in the bulletin.
Our mission leaders will be having a planning session in mid-October to
organize how we as a church can have the biggest impact on our
community. Keep an eye out later in the month to look for opportunities on how you can serve the community through these planned mission projects.
God is moving and blessing us in so many ways. We must remember to stop and say thank you, Lord, for we are so grateful for the opportunity to serve Him and serve our neighbor.
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is John 13:34-35. It says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” What does God want from us? God wants our heart and for us to love. Everyone will know...if you love one another. Let’s keep the great tradition of this church by loving those around us with a love from above that way everyone will know. God bless.
In His Grip,