Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What an amazing weekend.  The weather cooled off a bit, we had some rain, a super blood red wolf moon, we hosted our missionary Anita Smart and her board (Natik) for the weekend, and we had Fiesta Night at the restaurant Tequila Sunrise!  Fiesta Night is a fundraiser for the ministry Natik which works with the indigenous people of Chiapas, Mexico and Guatemala. Thank you to our Mission's Committee and volunteers for organizing this weekend and also Tequila Sunrise for hosting the event as well as15th St Fisheries for donating the meal on Friday night.  I will share this Sunday or sooner on how much we have raised for Natik.  Thank you all who were able to support this great ministry. 

This past Sunday we had 5 people decide to join their hearts with us and I look forward to introducing them to you all this Sunday.  After worship this Sunday is our Annual meeting!  We will be electing 3 people for our Corporate Board and 4 members for the Session.  I am very excited about these men and women and the leadership and GRACE they will bring to our church.  I hope you all have a blessed week and I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship.  God Bless.