Dear Friends,
What a great weekend here at church! We had a productive workday on Saturday with about 20 people showing up to spruce up the Patio area, the front sign, and some time was spent in Pocock Garden! Thank you to all who were able to come and spend a couple of hours. A big thank you to Mary Ann Rozman for coordinating this day. I look forward to more of these work days in the future!
We had another moving worship service on Sunday. Thank you to Chris Kane and our amazing choir for leading us right into God's holy presence! It is so exciting to see our winter members and visitors start to trickle in. God is doing a great thing here and it is amazing to see us as we respond. Here are just a few things: NARR(Northern Abaco's Relief and Recovery) Please check out our webpage and click Ministries and then Missions. Scroll down to see the video and read all that we are doing. Treasures and Novelties By The Sea (aka "Rummage Sale). Help and setup is this week with the sale on the 19th, so feel free to pop in to help anytime this week! Please bring your items to the church this week as well. Trunk or Treat is on October 26th. Our church parking lot transforms into a spooktacular place where kids from all over walk from car trunk to car trunk - we will have music and food. We need more trunks, so please call Marie at church to register to decorate your trunk! As you can see we are in for a great Fall and Winter!
I hope we all have a great week and I look forward to seeing you all in worship this Sunday. Peace, Love, and Grace.
***Two really important things to remember: This Sunday, October 21st begins our stewardship for 2020! I encourage you to be in prayer on how you can financially support Church By The Sea. The Christmas Gala is at Lago Mar on December 7th!! This is the major fundraiser for our Corporate Board. A save the date will be coming soon!!***