Dear Friends,
Well, Sunday was an interesting day at Church By The Sea. Laryngitis set in and I had to get help from church members to lead worship. Yesterday, also was the beginning of our stewardship campaign for 2020, so with my voice failing and stewardship kicking off - it made for an interesting worship. Thank you to Jon Gardner for sharing his heart with us regarding what he loves about CBTS and why he gives.
You will be receiving in the mail this week a letter from Mike Heller, our Clerk of Session, who will be sharing with you all about our budget expectations for 2020. We have so much to be thankful for at this great church. I hope each one of you (who call's this place home) will prayerfully consider what you can give to the work and ministry of The Church By The Sea. We really need everyone to support CBTS with their time, talents, and financial resources. Please pray about what you can give and return the pledge card back to us by November 10th.
Trunk or Treat is on October 26th. Our church parking lot transforms into a spooktacular place where kids from all over walk from car trunk to car trunk - we will have music and food. We need more trunks, so please call Marie at church to register to decorate your trunk! As you can see we are in for a great Fall and Winter!
I hope we all have a great week and I look forward to seeing you all in worship this Sunday. Peace, Love, and Grace.
***The Christmas Gala is at Lago Mar on December 7th!! This is the major fundraiser for our Corporate Board. A save the date will be coming soon!!***