Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What an amazing Sunday here at Church! We had a "Throwback Sunday". Alan Ruf, a long-time member, brought the message along with Cheri Evans-Schmidt and Bruce Barclay. The order of worship was what was used from the early days. It was a powerful Sunday. Alan spoke about pillars of the church. Men and women who stood up and helped make Church By The Sea what it is. The music, the prayers, the message all lead us to God's presence! When Alan spoke of some of the pillars, he left off one - Himself! Alan has served this church for over 40 years. He is a pillar. A person who serves God through this church. Thank you, Alan for a wonderful worship service and your friendship!

We have our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon after worship this Sunday. The church will supply the main dish and we are asking you all to bring a side dish, salad, or a dessert. Please call the church office to let us know you are coming!

As you all know Church By The Sea is asking the congregation to support a budget of $560,000 for 2020. As of November 12th, we have 47 pledges totaling $212,446.00. If you are a member of this church, or call this church your home please pray about what you can give to the work and mission of Church By The Sea. I look forward to all of us meeting this goal. You can call, or email Randy at with your pledge.

I hope we all have a great week and I look forward to seeing you all in worship this Sunday. Peace, Love, and Grace.

***The Christmas Gala is at Lago Mar on December 7th!! This is the major fundraiser for our Corporate Board!*** Purchase tickets here: