Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

Boat Show has come and gone and wow, was traffic hectic!! It is an amazing thing to see and great for our economy, not to mention our church as we opened our parking lot for the attendees of the Show. Thank you to our Men's Club for being out there and braving the heat. We raised over $6,500 for our Men's Ministry.

This past Sunday was All Saint's Day which is a time we recognize all those people who have passed on into God's presence since last November. It is a somber time where we remember those people and all those who have passed that have helped shape who we are today. May God's peace flood all those who have lost loved ones this past year!

As you all know Church By The Sea is asking the congregation to support a budget of $560,000 for 2020. I want to encourage you all to pray about what you will give to financially support the work and ministry of this church. I look forward to all of us meeting this goal. Please pray about what you can give and return the pledge card back or email Randy at by November 10th.

I hope we all have a great week and I look forward to seeing you all in worship this Sunday. Peace, Love, and Grace.

***The Christmas Gala is at Lago Mar on December 7th!! This is the major fundraiser for our Corporate Board!*** Purchase tickets here: