Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

Happy day after President's Day!  I hope you all were able to enjoy some if not all of this holiday weekend.  We had a great weekend here.  It begin with our annul service at St. Laurence Chapel.  We had 16 CBTS members attend to support this service and also to bring food for their lunch.   Thank you to Kala Gies for leading and Marcia Lee for leading us in our worship.  Our Men's Club put on a breakfast and made some great plans for future events.  Thank you Bruce Barclay and Dale Lee for organizing this time and Peter Schmidt and Cheri Evans-Schmidt for cooking some amazing pancakes!  On Sunday, we had an excellent morning of worship with the ordination of 3 new elders.  Celeste Koster, Craige Ayscough-Clarke, and Margo Klein.  I look forward to working alongside our newest elders and all of our Session.  
I hope you all have a blessed week and I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship.  God Bless.