Dear Friends,
Another great weekend in Fort Lauderdale! The weather has been amazing, but the traffic has been crazy with different huge beach events and now college Spring Break happening! Just plan on everything taking 20 minutes longer! We had a morning of worship. Our choir has been putting in so much time, effort, and love and it definitely shows -- Thank you Chris Kane and choir!
Yesterday, Sam Koster and Noah Reny lead our First Annual CBTS Fishing Tournament off the docks just south of 17th St bridge. We had 45 fishermen/women and over 70 in attendance! It was a great time. Thank you, Seven Seas Yacht Sales for donating 2 rod and reels for prizes, Craige for cooking all the burgers and dogs and Marie for keeping the measurements straight. We also had referees who walked around to measure each catch - thank you for those guys too.
After worship as well, our Youth Group sold peppers, strawberries, and tomatoes as a fundraiser. They went to Bedner 's U-Pick It Farms on Saturday to raise funds to go on a Disney weekend in the Spring.
I hope you all have a fantastic week and we will see you all this Sunday in worship. God Bless.