Dear Friends,
It has been an amazing a couple of weeks since my last email and some great things have happened here at church. Thank you to Randy and Rev. Dr. Ben Sorensen for leading worship on March 24th. I am so appreciative for the ability to get away and also have such an amazing staff to lead this great church. This past Sunday, it was great to be back in the pulpit and to share with you all. Sunday evening, we had our 21st Annual Spaghetti Gala. This year's proceeds will go to our Music Ministry. A big thank you goes to Shary Patton who has led the great event since its conception. Shary has a committed team of volunteers who helped make this evening special. Thank you also to our own Chef Peter Schmidt and his Sous Chef Cheri Evans-Schmidt. The spaghetti was delicious!! There where so many of you that bought tickets and that donated items for the raffle - Thank you!! Thank you to the youth group and their parents for helping with the serving and cleaning up - it was great. Lastly, thank you to our Children's ministry for taking care of the little ones during the Gala and also decorating the wooden cross with flowers so all the community can be reminded of Christ's ultimate sacrifice for us.
As we approach Palm Sunday and Easter; I hope each one of us will examine our heart and make some time to pray. Pray for God to open your mind and your heart to Him like never before! Let's all be in prayer. I hope you all have a fantastic week and I look forward to seeing you this Sunday in worship. God Bless.