Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,
What a weekend!  This past Saturday about 15 of us volunteered at the Goliath Gauntlet which is a fundraiser for Sheridan House!  Over 1,500 runners ran the Gauntlet and it was amazing!  Some of us ran it at the end of the day and wow, I am sore!! : ) This past weekend was also the Tortuga Music Festival and we opened our parking lot to raise money for our teenagers.  Huge thanks to Jon and Nicholl (our youth directors), the youth, and the parents, and some of the parking lot crew for being there Friday-Sunday!  They raised over $9,000!  It was crazy. 

Yesterday was Palm Sunday and there was such excitement in the air!  Everyone that came into the sanctuary was given a palm frond and we had a lot of the children holding a palm frond as the choir and myself walked down the aisle!  Our choir was just incredible as they lead us into God's presence!  Worship was full and inspiring! 

Holy Week has begun and I hope you all will take some extra time this week to worship and listen for God speaking.  I believe God is always speaking, but the question is...Are we listening?  I hope you all have a blessed week and I look forward to seeing you this Sunday, Easter, in worship.  Christ is risen!!  Peace, Love, and Grace. 

Maundy Thursday Service, April 18, 6:30pm

Good Friday Service, April 19, 12pm

Easter Services: Sunday April, 21st

7:30 am Easter Sunrise Service

9am Easter Family Service (with butterfly release)

11am Traditional Service