Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What another wonderful day of worship over the Memorial Weekend.  We had a spirit of honoring those men and women who have died while serving our country.  I hope you were able to take some time to say thank you.  I just want to say how grateful I am for our choir and our Music Director/Organist, Christopher Kane.  He and they work so hard to bring us into God's presence thru music so THANK YOU! 

After worship we had our annual Veterans Appreciation Luncheon.  Thank you to Chef Peter and Sous-Chef Cheri for preparing a wonderful meal for us!  We had beef brisket, ribs, burgers and dogs.  A great time was had by all.  Another thank you goes to Andres Gunther for MC'ing the event! 

We have an exciting summer planned of worship, fellowship events, a pool party or two at our house and in 2 weeks - VBS is coming (June 10-14).  Eden Hall will be transformed into deep space with the theme being "To Mars and Beyond".  VBS is completely full and we can't wait.  Please pray for Marie, all the teenagers and adults, and all the kids as they will experience Jesus Christ in new and fresh ways. 

We also have some great things to be involved in that are coming up soon, so please check out our APP (The Church By The Sea) and sign up for what interests, or challenges you.  Have a blessed week and I look forward to seeing you this Sunday in worship.  Peace, Love, and Grace.