Dear Friends,
I can't wait! I can't wait! School begins this week. I have thoroughly enjoyed our summer, but having the kids back in school is great for them and us too! As some parents look forward to this week of school, I want to make you all aware of some great things happening here at church. We have a lot to be grateful for and excited about. We have some amazing events like the youth sponsored Peace & Love Dance this Friday. Our Children's Ministry is sponsoring a Popsicles and Pizza time after worship this Sunday at the playground! We have one of our biggest and most important events coming up August 25th - Anchor's Aweigh after worship. We have our mid-week Bible study every Wednesday and of course, we have worship, every Sunday! See below for all the information regarding these events and ministries.
I hope you all have a great week and let's all "Finish Well"! I look forward to seeing you all in worship this Sunday. Peace, Love, and Grace.