Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What an amazing day in worship yesterday. We had a full sanctuary with loads of kids (from little ones to high schoolers). We also had a special prayer for all of our teachers during worship. I asked everyone who is a teacher, or faculty in our church, our preschool, and anyone who teaches at any age in the community! It was so breathtaking to see so many people from our congregation come up for this special prayer at the Chancel.

After worship - Marie and the Children's Ministry had Popsicle's and Pizza for all the children and their families down in big playground! It definitely was a hot day, but a great one! Every family is attached to a Vine Leader that will stay in touch with their "Vine". It is a great way for our families to stay connected and also ministered too.

We have one of our biggest and most important events coming up this Sunday - Anchor's Aweigh - it begins in worship with our choir back leading us and then immediately after worship we will go to Eden Hall to have some delicious food (smoked brisket and a pig roast), a steel drummer playing for the island feel, all the kids will have their own time back in the classrooms - all the while you will be walking around meeting our ministry leaders. It will be a memorable day that is for sure. See below for all the information regarding these events and ministries.

I hope you all have a great week. I look forward to seeing you all in worship this Sunday. Peace, Love, and Grace.