Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

I hope you had a great last week and weekend!  I can tell you for sure we
did at CBTS!!  Randy and Jamie's wedding and reception was one for the ages! 
They looked so happy and all of those who attended felt the same
happiness.  It was just a great day in our church life.  There are
many people who helped make this day special for them, but a special thank you
to Peter and Cheri for cooking a delicious meal for over 120 people.  We
all wish them a great week in Savannah, GA!  

I want to introduce you all to the nominees for the Session and our Corporate
Board for the next term.  For a one-year term - Connie Tingle (she is
fulfilling Carol Wesley's term who moved away).  For a 3year term the
nominees are John Riser, Bill Harvey, Shary Patton and Cheryl Lovell has agreed
to serve another term.  The nominees for Corporate Board are Marilyn
Conroy, Sherwin Kiesshauer, and Debbie Stokes!  I am excited these men and
women have decided to use their gifts on our leadership team.  

I also wanted to remind you of some great things coming up.  On January 24th, we
have our annual Chili Cook-Off in Eden Hall.  We need a few more chefs, so
please sign up at church, the APP, church website, or call the church
office!  It is always a great time.  On January 26th, is
our Annual Meeting immediately after worship.  I hope all our membership
can attend this meeting.  I hope we all have a great week and I look
forward to seeing you all in worship this Sunday.  Peace, Love, and Grace.