Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What an amazing weekend here at CBTS!!  Friday night we had a great time
at the 4th Annual Chili Cook-Off!!  Thank you to Jackie Barnett, Connie
Tingle, Mike and Debbie Stokes and the 14 chefs that prepared some delicious
chili!!  Congrats to Tamika Greenwood for being voted best chili with her
"North Carolina" Chili.  John and Joanne Jurgle finished 2nd and
Connie and Larry Tingle finished 3rd!  Thank you again for a great evening
and I can't wait until next year!

Saturday we had over 50 kids and adults for the 4th Annual Children's Ministry
Family Camp-Out!  It was a great evening with a bonfire and smore's,
dinner, swimming, and many other wild activities!  As the night wore on
the temperature dropped as well, which added to the beauty of the night.

This Sunday begins Mission's Month!  Every Sunday of this month we will
highlight various ministries we support and you will have an opportunity to
meet with them during Patio time.  This will be a great month and I hope
you all will make an effort to be in worship.  I hope we all have a
great week.  Peace, Love, and Grace.