Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

Well, the 2020 Boat Show has come and gone and even though the show was scaled back from years past the Men's Ministry still netted about $3,000 from opening our parking lot. A big thank you goes to Bruce Barclay and Craige Ayscough-Clarke for organizing this weekend. The crew of guys that came and helped were Ray Williams, David Finneran, Barry Harbour, Ray Milligan, Randy Starr, Jim Stoycheff, and John Riser! Thank you all for braving the heat and rain from Thursday - Sunday!

We had another great day of worship. Our sanctuary is feeling a little more full as we still try to have the best worship possible with keeping the a safe environment for all those attending! Last Sunday we had a little over 70 people in worship with another 30 in children's ministry! As we begin to grow we need to always keep in mind the `idea of being safe!

By now, I hope you all have received our stewardship letter for our proposed budget for 2021. We are asking for $560,000 for the year 2021. These are very trying times for everyone, yet I want to challenge you to pray and to ask God about how you can support the work and ministry of CBTS.

Have an amazing week and I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday, God bless.

In His Grip,