Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

Today is December 7th.  For me, when this day comes around I always remember and take a moment to pray.  I remember what happened on this day in 1941.  I pray for all those people who lost their lives and that ugly, horrible war that needed to happen.  I hope we all will remember and pray but I also hope we all pursue God and His love and then love our neighbor.  We are called to be His hands and feet in this world.  

This past Friday, we had our 33rd annual Christmas Gala at the Fort Lauderdale Yacht Club.  A big thank you goes to Marilyn Conroy and Cheri Evans-Schmidt for chairing this event and pouring their heart and soul into making this years Gala amazing.  I would also like to thank Ray and Suzie Williams for making every auction and raffle item just beautiful and to our Corporate Board for all their effort.  I would like to thank Debbie Stokes, Alice and John Meiners, David and Nicole Finneran, and Holly Sargent for their love and support.  A special thank you to Alan Ruf and the Rosemary Duffy Larson Trust for underwriting the Gala so that every ticket sold will go to the support of our church.  It was a great time and I look forward to letting you all know how much was raised in the near future.  

*****Christmas Eve Services - Reservations will be taken - Not required, but taken - we will have overflow areas for those who do not make a reservation (in case it is needed).  More information to come!

         6pm - This will not have our annual children's Christmas Pageant - Live Streamed Service 
         8:30pm - The exact same service as 6pm!  

Have an amazing week and I look forward to seeing you all this Friday evening or in Sunday worship. .

In His Grip,