Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

If you were in worship, or watching on our YouTube channel you could hear and see a big disruption that began about 10 minutes into my sermon. We had a woman on the front row who could not stop talking to herself that grew in volume. I had to step away from the pulpit and try to have her quiet down a bit, or to step outside, so further discussion could happen. She wanted neither. Thankfully, we have a Fort Lauderdale police officer every Sunday morning for reasons/concerns just like this. Eventually, she did walk out on her own accord. Definitely, there were people in the congregation who were moved to tears about what happened and everyone was asking for God's guidance on how to make this woman feel less threatened.

I would like to thank Pastor Marcos, Dr. Ziemer, Cheri Evans-Schmidt, Vince Connor, Chris Kane, and all the church family as were ready to help in any way needed! Friends, like I said after I walked back up to pulpit...we are family. We are all in this boat of life together and mental illness is as real as cancer and any other disease. Together we walk - together as family of faith we share - together as Christ's hands and feet we love!

I am committed to loving as best as I can, as Jesus Christ commands. We are in a critical time in our world and in our church and God's GRACE is needed more than ever! As a family let us all pray. Pray for wisdom, guidance, grace, service, and love. Please reply to this email with an I WILL PRAY!

I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship!