Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

Happy rainy Monday from Church By The Sea! We had another amazing day of worship yesterday. A big highlight was recognizing Christopher Kane, our organist and Director of Music. He is in his 30th year of service at CBTS. Cheri Evans-Schmidt presented a plaque that will go on our organ and I presented a beautiful clock for him to take home. I am so proud to work alongside Chris Kane! He is a man of integrity, love, faithful service and grace! Patio time was in his honor as well and our choir did a wonderful job. Congrats Chris...We love you!!

Last Sunday was also the beginning of our stewardship series! I am asking everyone who calls this church home, member or not, to pledge something. God has given us the greatest privilege of taking care of this great church. Each one of us has a responsibility for its ministry and upkeep. What we feel God is calling us to support is a budget of $600,000 to meet the needs of our church, surrounding community, and world. This budget is for all the ministries, staffing, and unexpected ways to give back. Our goal is to have 90% participation from this family of faith. You will be receiving in the mail our stewardship letter and pledge card from our Clerk of Session, Bill Harvey. We will also have the same letter and information available electronically. Please pray for what you can give to the work of ministry to the church.
2 Corinthians 9:7 - Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.