Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

This truly was a week and weekend to remember. It began on the previous Saturday, October 23rd with about 25 members of CBTS meeting at Sheridan House for a volunteer training session to serve at their fundraiser called "The Goliath Gauntlet" (check the event out on YouTube) which was to happen on October 30th. Then our Men's Club with Bruce Barclay and Craige Asycough-Clarke leading the charge, had about 14 volunteers beginning Thursday - Sunday to open our parking lot for Boat Show parking. These volunteers braved the heat and the incredible amount of people looking to park their cars and be shuttled over to the Show. I was so impressed with their leadership and being amazing witnesses for Christ. They offered free bottled water, great conversation, and allowed 100's of people to get a little picture of who CBTS is. Thank you to all those who helped with this event. The Boat Show netted just over $20,000!

On Saturday, the Goliath Gauntlet volunteers showed up at 6:15am to start out morning. We had amazing time cheering on over 1500 runners, making sure those doing the obstacles were safe, passing out water, helping those who were needing some extra attention, and being examples of Christ's love in action. At 12:30pm those who wanted too were able to run the course. We had about 8 takers to run the course and it was exhausting and amazing at the same time. Overall, I was so proud of CBTS and the way we roll up our sleeves and serve. Let's keep doing more and more as we are His hands and feet.

I hope by now those who call CBTS home has received our stewardship letter and pledge card. We are praying to have a 90% participation rate which is high but I believe we can do it. Our budget goal for 2022 is $600,000 and I am asking each of you to be still, pray, and ask God how you can best support financially, the work and mission of this church. Everyone of us is important. Everyone of us is called take care of our church home. Please pray about what that may be and return the card or call or email the office and speak with Randy about your pledge. You can email Randy at with your pledge. Together, we will continue to serve Christ in our church, community, and world. 2 Corinthians 9:7 - Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

I hope you have an amazing week of God revealing Himself to you in the most unexpected and life-changing ways. I look forward to seeing you all this week or on Sunday in worship.