Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

Easter was so refreshing and last Sunday continued with God's Spirit moving in and around us. I hope if you are not able to join us in person that will you watch online on our YouTube channel (The Church By The Sea). God is doing a great thing here as we do our best to worship and continue becoming more and more like Him.

We have had some great leadership meetings with our Corporate Board last Sunday. I look forward to them in the near future presenting some of the challenges and amazing ways we, as this family of faith, can work together to accomplish God's vision for this church. Also, our Session has been praying and asking God how we can best serve Him in our worship and through our various ministries! You all will be hearing from both teams in service some time soon. I am excited about all that God is doing here through them as well as through you all...For we all are apart of God's family! Have a great week and God bless!

In His Grip,