Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

Happy Monday to you!! It is another beautiful day here in South Florida. I hope you all have started off your week with spending some time alone praying, reading, and listening to God speak. Our worship yesterday was our first Sunday with "mask optional" and it was breath-taking! The whole dynamic changed being able to see people's faces. We also had our first "Patio Time" and again, it was wonderful. I am so excited about all that God is doing with our Session, Corporate Board, and with our whole church family. As we continue to love and serve Him - He will guide our steps and we will see amazing things. I look forward to seeing you all back in worship and invite your friends as well. Let's make this a summer to remember.

Youth News from our New Director of Youth Ministries:
Thank you all for welcoming me into the new youth position during Youth Sunday a few weeks ago! Excited for what's to come for our middle + high schoolers.
As we are counting down these last few weeks (some of you days!) of school, the youth is gearing up for a fantastic summer!
Our kick-off to summer event will be June 19th from 8:30-2:00 at Shark Wake Park ( in West Palm Beach. More info, as well as a sign-up link, will be emailed tomorrow! See ya at the lake!

We had a great youth devotional yesterday morning with Mr. Kevin, he encouraged our kids that there are "power in numbers"...Where two, or more are gathered in His name, He is there with them.
Hope you all have a great week. I am always here if I can be of any help to you throughout the week! Thanks again!

Teresa Cook

Have a great week and God bless!

In His Grip,