Dear Friends,
I hope you all had an amazing Memorial Weekend. I hope you had a chance to relax, reflect and remember! I also hope you took some time to be grateful. Grateful to God for all He has done, grateful for giving us Jesus and grateful to all those men and women who gave their lives so we can be free. Being a grateful person is almost a lost art these days. Let's all pray for God to strengthen us and guide us to be more grateful.
I am excited about all that God will do with us this summer. Please pray with me as we all seek God's face. Have a blessed day.
Youth News from our New Director of Youth Ministries:
Our kick-off to summer event will be June 19th from 8:30-2:00pm at Shark Wake Park ( in West Palm Beach. More info, as well as a sign-up link, will be emailed! See ya at the lake!
Sunday evening meetings are back - starting this Sunday, June 6th @ 6pm in Eden Hall! We'll have dinner, some fun games, and wrap it up with a quick devotional. Hope you can all make it!
Check out our weekly youth email, or the CBTS app for more info and sign-up links!
Teresa Cook
5 Days of Family Fun
We are looking forward to a week full of fun and excitement! This week is a great chance to meet new friends (kids and adults alike) or catch up with old friends. There will be fun, sun, laughs and more! What a great opportunity for everyone to get out and connect with our church family! Hope to see you there!
Click Here to Sign Up:
Have a great week and God bless!
In His Grip,