Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What a wonderful morning of worship we had yesterday (June 6th). It is so great to see everyone and sharing life with each other - MASKLESS and smiling! During these difficult "valley" days I have seen God be so faithful. God tells us over and over in His Word that "I am with you and be not afraid". That is truth. As you experience the tough days and the great days please know that we are all here in this same boat of life. Together, as we strive to follow Christ in that we can "do all things". We can walk hand-in-hand, praying for each other, and be there for each other as Christ calls us. Don't grow weary in doing good as the scriptures tell us.

We have a summer planned of growth. I challenge you all to join us for our Bible studies. On Tuesday mornings at 11am - the Zoom ID is 819 9607 5732. Please feel free to pop in at your convenience! Also, on Wednesday nights we have a Bible study at 6:30pm in the Green Room. If you are here this summer please pray about joining us. We would love to have you with us.

**Please let's all wish Randy Starr a Happy Birthday today!**

Have a great week and God bless!

In His Grip,