Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

I hope you have had a great beginning of your week. I have been out of town on vacation to the Adirondacks, Acadia, Maine, some time in Boston and then drive back to Fort Lauderdale. It was a fantastic trip with some serious driving, but I loved it. Again, I am grateful for Randy who is an amazing servant of Christ. Thank you Randy for leading worship a few weeks and delivering a challenging sermon. Another thank you to Brian Checchio. Brian led worship for us the past 2 weeks and did an anointed job! Thank you both! Another thank you goes to Cheri Evans-Schmidt for leading our "Hymn Sing" every Sunday morning. Thank you Cheri for all you do! Your friendship means the world!

As we draw closer to the school year and a somewhat regular schedule I hope we all will pray for wisdom and guidance personally, as well as, for our church family! This Fall will be a time of growth and I hope, spiritual refreshment! We have some exciting things upcoming, so please mark these down on your calendars!

Upcoming Events and Ministries:
July 31st - Parking Lot Party. 5:30pm - 7:30pm. Cost is $5 per plate - no charge to just come and enjoy. Please contact the office, or sign up through our App (The Church By The Sea) to sign up. This will be a great time for all ages. It is just for us to get together and catch up. There will be a bike water fountain (so bring your bike or you can just walk through), bring your own beverages, lawn chairs, and fun attitude!
August 2nd - Theology on Tap - Quarterdeck off 17th St. Come by for a complimentary beverage, some great appetizers, and some wonderful conversation.
August 21st - Men's Ministry Breakfast. 8am in Eden Hall - More details to follow.
August 22nd - Children's Ministry Ice Cream Social - More details to follow.
September 12th - Anchor's Aweigh - After worship in Eden Hall - look for more details coming soon.

Please put these dates on your phones, or whatever you use to save the date. Thanks and God bless.

In His Grip,