Dear Friends,
What a wonderful morning of worship we had yesterday! Attendance was down a little, but we had a great time being together! I am so grateful for our country. I am grateful to be your pastor. I am grateful to working alongside a great staff and many volunteers. I am also grateful for you all - those who call The Church By The Sea home. Together, God can and will do wonderful amazing things. I hope as we are in the thick of summer that you all are able to catch your breath, if needed. I hope that you will experience God's presence and hear His voice as you make time to spend with Him. Make time to listen and be still. the Gospel of Mark and then the other 3 Gospels this summer! Give it a try!
I am sitting in Washington-Dulles airport as I type this. I am meeting up with Marie, the kids, and the travel trailer at State College airport and then heading to the Adirondacks, New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont and who knows where else! Randy, Brian, Chris Kane and Cheri Evans-Schmidt will be leading worship while I am away. Worship is in excellent hands and I look forward to watching online when we have internet. Have a blessed July and I will see you all soon.
In His Grip,