Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What an amazing day of worship.  Our choir brought us to a place of worship, the sanctuary was full of happy, energetic children, people of all ages, and just an overall spirit of..."we're back"!  It was a great day having 30, or more children for our time on the steps together before they left for Sunday school.  As we move forward into the Fall, I want to encourage you to make it a point to be in worship.  If you get this email and have a church home elsewhere...then get involved there.  Worship is way more than an hour in a church - it is time set aside to listen for God to speak.  That is my hope in every worship service...that God speaks!  Are we listening?

After worship the Children's Ministry put on a wonderful "Ice Cream Social" for all children and their families.  A huge thank you to Jackie Barnett, Michelle Most, and team for making it a wonderful experience for the kids and their families.  Another thank you goes to our Director of Youth Ministries, Teresa Cook, and our teenagers for dishing up all the delicious ice cream!  

Church By The Sea also ramps up with ministry opportunities as well coming real soon. 

  • September 4th - Men's Ministry breakfast at 8am-9am in Eden Hall. Chef Peter will be making a full breakfast for us to enjoy and then Bruce Barclay and I will lead a time for us to get better organized for all the different kinds of things that we can do and be apart of as well as creating opportunities for us to grow closer to Christ through being together. Please contact the church office at 954-523-6472 if you can attend.

  • September 12th - Anchor's Aweigh Potluck - This is an after church lunch and mingle with all our ministry leaders to get more information about ministry. We will be asking you all to bring a side dish, or dessert - the church will provide the main dish.

  • October 1st-2nd - Church Visioning - Eden Hall - more details coming soon.

As you can see we are having some wonderful upcoming events and ministries. Please keep praying for our staff, Session, and Corporate Board as we listen to God speak! Have a great week. THANKS!!!