Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

It has been a crazy week since our last email.  We have had to place ourselves in quarantine due some exposure to COVID and some of the family has shown symptoms and are sick.  We will be fine but prayers are very much appreciative. This experience has given us a better understanding of what a lot of you all have gone through with COVID or being in quarantine and our prayers go to all as we continue to do our best at being the people that God has called us to be.  

A huge thank you to Brian Checchio for filling in last minute (Thursday) and led worship.  He did a wonderful job and as always, shared from God's heart to ours.  Another thank you goes to Julie and Andrew Ackermann and Marcos Van Dorn for leading the Parking Lot Party last Saturday.  The video's and posts showed that everyone had a good time even though they weren't able to do all that was planned!  
As we approach the school year please see below for some important dates to remember.  
Challenge for the Week:
 Spend some time this week thinking about specific ways God has touched your life and the lives of those you love.  Give thanks and talk about Him!
Upcoming Events and Ministries:
    August 2nd - Theology on Tap - Quarterdeck off 17th St.  Come by for a complimentary beverage, some great appetizers, and some wonderful conversation.  
    August 8th - Worship at 10am 
    August 21st - Men's Ministry Breakfast.  8am in Eden Hall - Bruce Barclay our Men's Club president will be leading this event!  More information will be in this Sunday's bulletin.  
    August 22nd - Children's Ministry Ice Cream Social.
    August 28th - Aspire Woman's Conference.  Kathy Soderman will be leading this amazing event!  

    September 12th - Anchor's Aweigh - After worship in Eden Hall - look for more details coming soon. 
In His Grip,
