Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

I hope you all had a great week and a safe New Year's Eve. I always find it interesting when we conclude the current year. A phrase that a lot of us say as we approach January 1st is, "Wow, I can't believe it is...2022". I mean just yesterday it was 1982 and I was thinking about whether to play college soccer, or should I go to a big university. It was just yesterday that I moved to South Florida (1997), and it was just yesterday (2013) that I became the pastor here at CBTS. Time really does fly. What are those yesterdays for you? Think about them and thank God for all of them whether they brought highs or lows.

In worship yesterday, I spoke about "Holding On" - not how we hold to God, but how He holds on to us. God promises to never, ever let us go. That is a promise we can stake our lives on - that HE NEVER LETS US GO! Let's all trust Him. Let's all walk in His love and in His light.

I am excited about this month of worship. We will explore the 7 pillars that form the basis of who we are. Each Sunday you will hear about 1-2 pillars and be challenged to explore how you can live them out in your world. Please pray for God to bless and lead us so that we can be a blessing.

Have a blessed rest of the week and I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday.