Dear Friends,
I hope your Monday has begun with peace and love that only comes from Jesus Christ. It is an interesting time in our land. Our political process always brings up smiles, tears, and sometimes outright hurt and anger. How do we stay focused on Christ when our worlds might be on shifting sand. Hurricane Nicole whipped through Florida and a large part of the East coast and caused severe damage. All these things, these events are pushing us this way and that way. I, personally, take time to quiet my mind, my heart and I pray. Sometimes with heart tears about where we are and how we need a touch from the Master!!
Please take some time to pray and ask God how you can serve Him in this world and also, in the life of CBTS!
This past Sunday I spoke about the giving of our finances to the work of Christ through CBTS. I hope by now you have received in the mail our stewardship letter and pledge card for 2023. We are asking you to support a budget of $600,000. Thank you to Les and Mindy Waites, for sharing their heart with the congregation during worship about why they give not only of their time and talent, but also of their financial means. It will take all of us to be Christ's hands and feet and I look forward to walking together. Please return your pledge card by this Sunday, Nov. 20th.
Have a safe and blessed week. I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship, or on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea).
In His Grip,