Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What a great Sunday at Church By The Sea. It began with worship. Our choir sounded so full and like one voice! Thank you for always leading us into God's presence. We also had communion - I love our communion Sunday's. It is a time for us all to be reminded of the greatest sacrifice and gift of all...Jesus Christ. Our final hymn was "Angel's We Have Heard on High". It was inspiring seeing everyone sing from the bottom of their heart. It was a great day - Please watch the service on YouTube if you haven't yet!

Sunday evening, we had our 35th Annual Christmas Gala held at the Fort Lauderdale Yacht Club. We had over 110 people come and celebrate and raise funds for our Corporate Board. The CB is responsible for the buildings and grounds (the business of the church) consisting of 9 members elected about the church. A big thank you to Marilyn Conroy and Cheri Evans-Schmidt who chaired this committee and all the board...Beth Welker, Harry Rozelle, Michael Higgs, Rhett Wadsworth, and Cathie Banta. A grand time was had by all and I look forward to sharing with you all how much we raised! Thank you to all our sponsors, ticket and raffle buyers, those who donated baskets and silent auction items.

Advent is fully upon us and CBTS has many ways to "Experience Advent" together and individually. Here is the link to what was passed out last Sunday in worship. - I hope each one of you will take time during the week as the candles of hope, peace, joy and love are lit. We have activities designed for you to celebrate that particular candle each week.

We will also have an Advent Study on Wednesday nights. We will have a dinner from 5:30pm to 6:30pm and then our video study with Max Lucado. This time will be led by myself, Brian, and Randy. No need to sign up just come by where we have Patio Time on Sundays for some delicious soup and salad.

Have a safe and blessed week. I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship, or on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea).

In His Grip,