Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What a wonderful morning of worship we had yesterday even though it rained "cats and dogs" all morning! There was such a spirit of God's love all-around us in church and with those online. A thank you goes to Dr. Richard Ziemer for leading our children's time. He is a wonderful pastor and teacher. I hope this week is one that encourages you and challenges you to grow closer to Him.

This Sunday you will hear from our mission champions about NATIK and Seafarer's ministry. These are wonderful ministries we support that reach outside our borders. I look forward to hearing from them.

Please don't forget about our "Night in Italy" fundraiser on February 26th from 6pm-8pm! This is a wonderful evening with delicious food, beverages, great times with friends of old and meeting new ones, and opportunities to help sponsor all the different missions on the Giving Tree! Please sign up here:

Have a blessed rest of the week and I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday.