Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

What another wonderful morning of worship we had on Sunday! It was such a treat to watch our "Worship Dance Team" who practiced so hard, perform for us. If you child wants to be a part of this please contact Marie in our Children's Ministry. We have some tremendous things happening here at CBTS and I would like to highlight just a few:
          - Tonight (March 7th) - Theology on Tap - 6pm at the Quarterdeck off Cordova. Come a complimentary beverage and appetizers and even better conversation.
          - For the next two Sunday's (March 14 and 21), Pastor Brian is leading a study on how to share your faith at 8:30am and at 11:15am in Eden Hall. These are the same so pick the best time for you.
          -Soup, Salad, and Study - Wednesday nights at 6:00pm. Come join during this Lenten season for a video study by Max Lucado. Meal cost $5! 
          - Chili Cook Off - March 12th- 5pm-7pm. Live music, beer and wine, and some delicious chili will be available. If you are interested in entering the cookoff please contact Jackie Barnett at

A big thank you needs to go out to all who helped paint the Mayan Dr. fence on Feb. 27th! It looks beautiful. 

Our session is meeting on March 8th and we will discuss ways in which our church family support the people of Ukraine - please be in prayer!  

Have a blessed rest of the week and I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday.