Dear Friends,
What another memorable day of worship at Church By The Sea this past Sunday. Palm Sunday is always a celebration of sorts as we celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, but this year was completely overwhelming and moving. We had over 315 people who attended worship yesterday and 96 children. We invited our day school children to sing in worship with the children who are members of this church and it was great! After worship, our Children's ministry had a churchwide scavenger hunt and cookout. Thank you to our children's ministry committee and all the volunteers that made yesterday a huge success! We had families roaming all over the church inside and out look for 6 eggs that got them familiar with our church and told the story of God's love for His creation. Simply a marvelous day! Thank you church being the CHURCH!!
Our youth did the parking for the Tortuga festival and raised over 12k. Way to go youth! Our youth director Teresa Cook began confirmation yesterday. Please be in prayer for those 14 middle school students involved and Teresa as she leads them.
A special thank you John and Beverly Lobdell who provided our meal for Soup, Salad, and Studies Lenten series. They are also providing the meal for our Good Friday service which begins at 12:00pm. I hope you all will make every effort to attend all the services this week. Another special thanks to Kim Harbour, Vica Kramm and families for helping to pick up the paint chips and debris on the ground.
Below is our Holy Week schedule. Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone!
In His Grip,