Dear Friends,
What an amazing Sunday at CBTS. We had Youth Sunday which included Confirmation, 3 baptisms, and teacher recognition. Teresa Cook, our Director of Youth Ministries, led our youth and the confirmation process and did an excellent job. Thank you, Teresa. We baptized Stella and Finn Edler and Chase Anderson. Our Confirmation class was Chase Anderson, Reese Cook, Finn Edler, Stella Edler, Hayden Ferenc, Hudson Ferenc, Charles King, Jr, Nathan Leon, Justin Noel, Savanna Noel, and Noah Reny. It was a wonderful day.
This Sunday, we have a Memorial Day luncheon after worship. If you are able to make it, please call the church office and let us know and bring a side dish, or a dessert. This will be a great time to honor those men and women who sacrificed for us. Let us all remember and be GRATEFUL!
I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship, or on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea). God bless!
In His Grip,