Dear Church family,
Thank you all so much for this Sabbatical. It has already been a wonderful blessing to me, Marie, and my family. The first week Marie and I were in Denver at a beautiful home converted into a retreat facility for clergy and Christian workers. They provided a wonderful host couple, from the Villages, who cooked for us and another couple and provided for our needs. Our day began with counseling each morning from 9 to 12 and then we had the afternoon to be still, read, and refresh!
The kids flew up to Denver on July 1st and we have been together ever since! Marie and the kids fly home on the 16th, and I fly to San Diego for a Bob Goff conference! Please continue to pray for me and us! Thank you all for your friendship, love, and prayers! I look forward to all of us continuing to serve Christ together!
I have often shared with you my favorite verse from Psalms (46:10) that commands us to “be still.” In the busyness of life, I understand how difficult it can be to live out that command and yet, I have learned over these past weeks how truly important it is.
Your gift of this Sabbatical has given me the opportunity to do the one thing God has been tugging on my heart to do… slow down and be still. Marie and I shared a transformational week of counseling, reading and reflecting at a retreat center designated for Christian leaders. What a blessing to have a professional speak into our lives and ministries. Made me think…who is speaking into your life and ministry? Do each of us have a trusted someone to help you navigate God’s call on your life? If not, I hope I can be that person for you or help you discover who that person might be as we seek to hear God’s voice in our lives.
Over the past two weeks we have been blessed to enjoy complete family time in the mountains of Colorado. Here we have experienced God’s peace and presence in the majesty of His creation, sharing daily devotionals and what we are grateful for in our lives. What is one thing you are grateful for today? Do you have a special place that you can retreat to, to experience God’s peace and majesty? Have you been there recently to see God in His creation? I am praying for an opportunity for you to do so.
As I head into my week of solitude next week, I hope you know that I think of you all often and have felt all the thoughts and prayers you have shared with me. I am so grateful for this opportunity to draw closer to God and to my family and look forward to hearing how God has moved in your life during my time away when I get back! “May the peace of God which passes all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Be a Blessing,