Dear Friends,
Did you know that the church is one of God’s greatest gifts to His people? God gives us the church – filled with our brothers and sisters in Christ – so that we might fellowship, pray, study His word, and serve TOGETHER! I hope this past Sunday you were able to gather with us, whether online or in person, to enjoy the gift of one another and to focus on the God who loves you no matter what! I pray that by hearing the Word of God and worshiping alongside those around you, you will be spurred on this week to love and good works. God is doing some amazing things at Church by the Sea and I am so glad we are serving him together!
Please consider participating in one of the Bible studies offered this week. The Tuesday zoom study is learning about the “I am” statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. On Wednesday nights, we are continuing our study of parables. If you can’t make one of those, you can always read along with the New Testament reading below.
Don’t forget as you go about your daily routine that you encounter people as an ambassador of Jesus. Be kind. Show compassion. Love others because He first loved us!
Worship… Bible study… service… together! So glad each of you are part of this great church! I hope or service of worship this past Sunday was a blessing to you.
Chris and Marie are now either in or on their way to Peru for a week of ministry there. Don’t forget to pray for them this week. In their absence, please know that I am here to help and serve you in any way I can.