Dear Friends,
Family! It is what we are. We are in the family of God by His Son, Jesus Christ, the family of humanity through Adam and Eve, and for those of us who are members or who call Church By The Sea home, we are a part of this church family. I share that because I think family is what we need. We need each other - even the ones we do not get along with. Jesus has His people to be ONE just like He and the Father are one. Our world is so divided, hurt, angry, and uneasy but it is through the Church and God's people that we can truly make a huge difference. As churches continue to create family for those who do not have family (at least they think don't) and God continues changes hearts of hurts to hearts of compassion and grace then we can see change a coming!
I am excited about what God is doing in our midst. I am excited about hearts being healed and lives given purpose through Jesus Christ. Would you all pray for our world, our leaders, our churches to be His hands and feet. I know I am getting all global, but it might just begin a small church in Fort Lauderdale that decides to love like Jesus did and show grace like Jesus did that triggers a movement. What do you say?
I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship, or on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea).
In His Grip,