Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

I hope you all are had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. I am sure for a lot of you it was running around, going from this event or errand to the next. If that was you then I hope you created some time to rest and to pray in amongst your busyness and if you haven't already then this week - go for it! For those of you who this weekend was not really different than any other, I hope you will create some time for something different. Wherever you are at this moment I want to encourage you to stop your routine and ask God for the wisdom to see Him in the mundane, the ordinary, or the extravagant because we all need to see God and to experience His deep love for all of His creation. Let's all commit to seeking Him .

As Labor Day weekend is over and the families of our church are out of "summer" mode and barrel head-first into the school year, I hope we all will seek to know Him and make Him known. God is doing some wonderful things at Church By The Sea and I excited about this Fall and all that God will do in our midst. In this email you will see a lot opportunities for you to grow, meet new people, and continue to make this ever-growing church feel like a small family. Let's us all walk together.

I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship, or on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea).

In His Grip,