Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas filled with love, family and friends, but most importantly, I hope it was filled with the "LIGHT " of Christ. For He is the reason for this season. It is funny how the day after Christmas the radio station that was playing all Christmas music went back to regular programming. I understand but it is so symbolic of how we move on. I hope the Spirit of Christmas - Jesus Himself is in the hearts all year long. Let's not move on!

Thank you to all those who made the 5pm and 9pm services happen. They were a joyous celebrations of Christ birth. Let's shine His light into all areas of life - the sunny ones and the dark ones. Jesus loves me this know for the Bible tells me so. Amen and amen!

Have a safe and blessed week. I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship, or on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea).

In His Grip,