Dear Friends,
What an amazing Monday here in Fort Lauderdale! The sun is out, the skies are blue, and Palm Sunday is almost here! The celebration of Palm Sunday is just that a... celebration. We are going to have the kids holding palms as the choir processes in, during our worship service (until 12:00pm) the kids will have an Easter egg hunt and a petting zoo on the property, and after worship, we are having our annual rededication of our memorial wall in the Pocock Garden. Palm Sunday is a day we celebrate, and we will but let's not forget Holy Week and all that it calls us to think and do. I hope each of you will mark your calendars to join for all our services during Holy Week!
I look forward to seeing you all in one of our Bible studies and this Sunday in worship. Have a great rest of your week and don't forget you can watch our livestream on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea).
In His Grip,