Dear Friends,
I hope your weekend was peaceful. We had a wonderful day of worship yesterday. If you haven't seen it yet I hope you will watch it on our YouTube channel - The Church By The Sea. We had a full day with children holding palm fronds as people arrived and as the choir and I processed in for worship. We had communion, which was rich with God's presence and our choir, once again, led us in worship. After the sea of children left, they had a petting zoo and an egg hunt which a great time was had by all and after worship, we had our annual rededication of the memory wall out in the Pocock Memorial Garden. It was a wonderful morning of being together and worshipping as a family.
I would like to thank our Corporate Board...Beth Angela Welker, Michael Higgs, Cathie Banta, Harry Rozelle, Mindy Waites, Lynn Rivas, Rhett Wadsworth, Tyler Holt, and John Leon for their hard work on the Memorial Garden. Thank you, Corporate Board.
I look forward to seeing you all in Bible study or Sunday in worship. Have a great rest of your week and don't forget if you miss worship, you can watch it on our livestream on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea) anytime.
In His Grip,