Dear Friends,
Today, we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr! Please take some time to do some sort of community service. It could be just picking up some trash as you walk your neighborhood or maybe you can't do that but you can pray for those who can! Do something!
Yesterday, worship was incredible! If you missed it, please go to our YouTube channel and watch it. Immediately after worship Chris Kane gave mini-organ concert that was informative and amazing. Thank you, Chris Kane, and thank you Chef Peter and Cheri, Mark and Marilyn Conroy, Marcia Lee, Jennifer and Lindsay White, and David Finneran for providing a wonderful lunch afterwards. It was a memorable day. We also launched an organ Fund. Our beautiful organ will need some serious repairs in the future. As Chris Kane said, "we are nearing the end of her lifetime with leather and other parts that will need to be replaced". I am excited to report to you all soon how much we raised in the coming days! If you would like to contribute, please contact the church.
Have a safe and blessed week. I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday in worship, or on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea).
In His Grip,