The sermon title was "Build an Altar" and the scripture was Genesis 12:1-9. It seems that every time God led, or promised, or protected, or spoke, or made Himself evident in some kind of way, Abraham built an altar. It was his way of commemorating the work of God in his life. Since God’s works in each of our lives it would be a good idea for us to do the same. Doing so would help us remember His presence, not just in big ways, but even in the small one. It would help us worship Him for the blessings He pours out on us. And it would help us teach – our children and others – of His mighty deeds and His amazing grace. Our “altar” will certainly be different than the kind Abraham built but what can you do to make sure the truth of God’s presence in your life doesn’t get crowed out by the stresses and responsibilities of living your life? Let’s build an altar!